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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

I am the Chief of Grassy Narrows. Doug Ford’s silence in the face of our struggles is deafening

Last week I, Chief Turtle, walked to Queen’s Park with over a hundred of my Grassy Narrows people and 8,000 of our supporters. We were there to demand that Premier Doug Ford stop the Dryden pulp mill from releasing chemicals that poison Grassy Narrows people, including our babies and children. This extremely important event was one of the largest ever for Indigenous justice in Toronto.
In spite of the grave and urgent risks to Grassy Narrows people, and the clear responsibility of the Government of Ontario, Premier Ford has been utterly silent in response to these demands. No investigation was launched, and no action was taken to stop the release of dangerous chemicals into our life-giving river. When Ford finally did speak, a week later, he ignored our demands and mischaracterized what took place at our event.
In May, a respected academic researcher revealed that mill effluent from the Dryden pulp mill is feeding the process that turns old mercury in Grassy Narrows’ Wabigoon River into the most dangerous form of mercury, methylmercury. This doubles the amount of mercury poison that is in the fish that Grassy Narrows people eat. Every day more of these chemicals are being discharged into the Wabigoon River and every day our Grassy Narrows people are being harmed. We know this. We have told Premier Ford this.
The Dryden mill claims that they are complying with Ontario’s regulations. Indeed, Ontario has given the mill an Environmental Compliance Approval, which gives them permission to release effluent into the river. Ontario places no limit on how much of the chemicals that compound the mercury problem can be released, and no requirement for monitoring or reporting on these specific dangerous chemicals.
The only thing that Ontario monitors is our fish downstream, which have the highest levels of mercury in Ontario, levels that have not improved since the mid 1980s. These fish are central to our way of life, who we are as Anishinaabe people, and for many who cannot afford to buy enough food, they are an important source of sustenance.
What has the Ford government done to stop the harm from Dryden mill effluent since scientists raised the alarm four months ago? Nothing. What has Premier Ford said about this problem? Nothing.
Ford’s silence on the ongoing poisoning of Grassy Narrows is deafening.
The Ford government would like you to believe that this is an old problem arising from a mistake made in the 1960s when Ontario didn’t know any better. On the contrary, the mercury crisis in Grassy Narrows is being made worse every day by allowing more chemicals to be dumped in the river and by failing to adequately support my community. Adding insult to injury, Ontario is encouraging plans for gold mines and nuclear waste disposal upstream of Grassy Narrows that would compound the terrible toxic risks, and that already add to the heavy burden of fear and distress in Grassy Narrows.
The documented impacts of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows include premature death, neurological degeneration, disease, poverty, food insecurity, and loss of culture. But most pressingly, mercury impacts our children and youth by increasing suicidality and conditions that impact learning.
In spite of these extreme challenges, the youth of Grassy Narrows traveled 1,900 km last week to Toronto to raise their voices and to demand justice. Their courage and perseverance is an inspiration. Their story is something that everyone in Canada has a duty to hear and to learn from.
Our message is clear: Premier Ford, stop the Dryden mill from harming my people and compensate us fairly.
Why is Premier Ford not protecting the children of Grassy Narrows? Why is Premier Ford not expressing outrage about the ongoing poisoning of Grassy Narrows allowed by his government? Grassy Narrows people believe it is because we are Indigenous. How else can you explain Ford’s callous silence and inaction in the face of our extreme suffering and ongoing harm?
As the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation approaches, I must ask, what does reconciliation mean when the poisoning of Grassy Narrows continues to be made worse every day with government permission? When will our children matter to this government?
Aawsa – that is all I have to say about this.
